Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss
Do you know who i admire? I was at the mall today running an errand and was standing in line to pay for my items. In front of me were two groups of people. The first was a group of young women, probably in their mid 20s, dressed up in all the latest, and having a discussion about something i didnt hear. In front of them were two guys, probably the same age, having an in depth discussion about Star Trek. They were probably single, and surrounded by women of the same age, and were oblivious. They had no filter to appear a certain way to appeal to the ladies. They were just being them. I hate Star Trek, but those kids were my hero's today......
I was told by someone special to me that they had scorned and one of the reasons why is they lacked "Mystique".......Im sure that has happened to many women in the past...numerous of my species have strayed physically or emotionally (and they are both as bad) to get them some "strange"...
Fuck that....
You know what, the grass isnt greener, you know what it is? Grass, thats it. More Grass. The difference is the Grass you are with, you are with for a reason. Because at one point that grass was special enough that you wanted to be with it. Why do people forget this.....
Why are people who keep themselves hidden, and are emotionally closed more "attractive" to the opposite sex. And they are. Who was the heart throb on 90210 (3 blog entries, first teen melodrama reference, long overdue)? Dylan....and why? he was withdrawn, mysterious, no one knew everything about in the end, he was a pretty good guy, and i felt bad when his mob daughter wife got killed, but that is the are two examples of people who were mysterious....
"Al" was a struggling artist, unapprecated for his work. He loved his mother dearly, served his country in conflict. Al was a Patriot and believed strongly on ways that his country could be a better place for his family and friends. And unlike many of us he did something about it. Talked to anyone who would listen. Didnt just sit home and bitch, he got involved and tried his best. He never really went into great depth about all the parts of his theories, just the key parts.... sounds like a good guy right?
Theo was a brilliant man. But kept to himself mostly. He liked to teach people and help them learn. He was really bright when it came to math and when he was young tutored people who were having a hard time. He was a strict environmentalist who tried to live his life in a fashion that did little harm to the earth. He didnt discuss his feelings with his family and friends, and for the most part kept to himself and never gave up much of who he was.
Al is Hitler, Theo....Ted Kazinski (the Unibomber)
This life would be so much better, easier, and more loving if people would be themselves. Someone who is open and lacks "mystique" is a beautiful person, anyone who lacks it is. They are themselves.....all the people in my life who harmed me emotionally, had hidden agendas, personalities they were experts at masking. Like the Venus Flytrap who looks like a peaceful and beautiful place for a bug to rest....only to devour them at first chance....
If people hide who they are, there is a reason i have learned. They hide the true them, because the true them isnt a good person, not a person people would want to be around. But a person who is willing to put themselves out there, to take risks (from major life altering ones to minor ones like taking a dance class) who is willing to expose their true self flaws, warts and all to the world is the person worth knowing. they are the ones that you hold onto and never let go.
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings, 1955
None of us are perfect. We are never going to find someone who is. I mean Jesus even took the lords name in vain whenever he introduced himself.."Hi, im JESUS CHRIST". People miss out on so much because someone else "seems" more interesting, like a Christmas Present you have to know what is inside. But you know what is in that present most of the time? Socks.
Noone is perfect, people need to stop looking for perfection....I will never find someone perfect, i WILL find someone perfect for me. Thats all anyone can hope for. So dont feel anything but good about being an open book, its not your fault they were illiterate......
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